What's New Feature Update - May 2023

Circadian Risk is always working on feature updates and improvements for our risk analysis and assessment software to ensure that the experience while conducting an assessment with Circadian Risk is efficient, effective, and intuitive. Below are the new features in our latest software update for May.

Features in the May 2023 Edition

Offline Assessments

The moment we have all been waiting for… Offline Assessment are now available within Circadian Risk! We have crafted this offline experience to be as seamless as possible as you are out in the field. Whether you’re online or offline, all of your inputs, including answers, description, photos, options for consideration will be noted within the assessment. Once your device connects to any internet connection, all of those data inputs will be sent to the server, and made available for anyone to see.

Cell Phone/Smaller Screen Optimization for Assessments

Where Circadian Risk was recommended to be used with an iPad while out in the field, we have begun work at optimizing the software across any device that an assessor may use! The main benefits of the cell phone is much smaller and will increase efficiency, and you can start an assessment after pulling your phone out of your pocket in a matter of moments! As you can imagine, you’d be able to make assessment notes as fast as you can text!

Location Hierarchy Based Filtering

For quite some time, Circadian Risk’s location hierarchy format has allowed organizations to easily navigate to their locations within the Circadian Risk system and their organization’s risk portfolio. We’ve now built upon that same hierarchy, and created an easy to use new feature that allows users to filter assessment findings and deficiencies by those same hierarchal levels within Circadian Risk’s project management system! Whether a user wants to view all the assessment data from a full region’s locations, or just a single building, this new feature will help achieve that.

Coming Soon: New and Improved Project Management Experience

Understanding where the physical security gaps are in your organization’s risk portfolio is only the beginning of the journey within the Circadian Risk Assessment and Analysis Software. More importantly, there needs to be a driving force that will help facilitate organizations to close identified gaps, and increase organizational risk compliance through clear and effective remediation. Be on the lookout for our next update about Circadian Risk’s enhanced project management experience! This will enable users to easily monitor key metrics such as budget, timelines, individuals responsible for tasks, and even history tracking for when tasks are completed.

Do you have a feature in mind that you think would be a great addition to our product? Talk to us!

Our Product team takes feature requests into serious consideration. We love to pass along feedback to our development team to help guide them as they build out more features in the future, so we can better our product based on customer needs! Please email us at support-team@circadianrisk.com with any features that you think would prove valuable in the Circadian Risk software, and you may just see them in a future edition of this feature letter!