What's New Feature Update - August 2022

Circadian Risk is always working on feature updates and improvements for our risk analysis and assessment software to ensure that the experience while conducting an assessment with Circadian Risk is efficient, effective, and intuitive. Below are the new features in our latest software update for August.

Features in the August 2022 Edition

The “Scenario Catalog”

If it has not yet become apparent, Circadian Risk believes conducting assessments by a specific scenario basis is much more focused than a “general” security assessment. We have started building out a catalog of different scenario assessments with our team, beginning with Aggressive Assailant! The Circadian Risk team will be be adding on more assessment offerings for our clients as soon as possible. Our goal in having the Scenario Catalog is to allow our clients to choose assessments that are most pertinent to them, conduct inherent risk, and have a good starting point if they don’t have a question set for these scenarios they’re interested in. Be sure to keep an eye on new developments of these assessments!

Under the hood

We have made dozens of small improvements under the hood to improve the speed and reliability of our sync service, bubble chart size consistency, multi-organization switching experience, and many more!

Do you have a feature in mind that you think would be a great addition to the software? Talk to us!

Our Product team takes feature requests into serious consideration. We love to pass along feedback to our development team to help guide them as they build out more features in the future, so we can better our product based on customer needs! Please email us at support@circadianrisk.com with any features that you think would prove valuable in the Circadian Risk software, and you may just see them in a future edition of this feature letter!