What's New Feature Update - October 2022

Circadian Risk is always working on feature updates and improvements for our risk analysis and assessment software to ensure that the experience while conducting an assessment with Circadian Risk is efficient, effective, and intuitive. Below are the new features in our latest software update for October.

Features in the October 2022 Edition

Registration and Getting Started UX

Circadian Risk has worked into our product the ability for a new user to register themselves, and get started conducting an assessment. Assessors will have the ability to register themselves, purchase assessment licenses, and then import a question set from the scenario catalog to begin conducting assessments.

As mentioned above, the guided objectives on the home dashboard will assist users in getting their organization within Circadian Risk set up to start conducting their first assessments.

Visit our product home page and hit the green “Sign Up” button located at https://portal.security-assessments.net to get started today!

The “Location Wizard”

Back by popular demand, we have added the location wizard back into Circadian Risk! The Location Wizard will streamline the location creation process, and wrap your organization hierarchy up in an easy to view way. Now, you’ll be able to get your locations into Circadian Risk super efficiently, it’ll almost feel like magic.

Home Dashboard Updates & Guided Objectives

Circadian Risk has recently updated the home dashboard when a user signs into the product to help assist them better in completing the objectives needed to start analyzing their risks, including:

  • Creating locations

  • Adding a scenario from our Scenario Catalog

  • Performing Inherent Risk Assessments, and

  • Creating an Assessment and identifying proper mitigation strategies from the deficiencies found in their assessments.

We have added an interactive and live checklist to “Work Towards a Residual Risk Score.” These steps under this checklist are paving the path for the user to start identifying deficiencies within their assessments and working towards proper mitigation strategies for these vulnerabilities.

Conduct and View Organizational Inherent Risk for a Scenario

We have added a new tab to our scenario analysis page to allow users and organizations to easily conduct and view the results from their inherent risk assessments per scenario for each of their locations all in one page! Now, you can perform your inherent risk, and quickly see what sites are posing the greatest risk to your organization, and need an assessment performed at them to identify and then mitigate the risks it has for that selected scenario.

Do you have a feature in mind that you think would be a great addition to our product? Talk to us!

Our Product team takes feature requests into serious consideration. We love to pass along feedback to our development team to help guide them as they build out more features in the future, so we can better our product based on customer needs! Please email us at support-team@circadianrisk.com with any features that you think would prove valuable in the Circadian Risk software, and you may just see them in a future edition of this feature letter!