What's New Feature Update - September 2021

What's New Feature Update - September 2021

Circadian Risk is always working on feature updates and improvements for our security assessment software to ensure that the experience while conducting an assessment with Circadian Risk is efficient, effective, and intuitive. Below are the new features in our latest software update for September 2021.

Features in the September 2021 Edition:

Updated Global Navigation

There is a lot of power in the Circadian Risk product… In order to take advantage of the tools that Circadian Risk offers, we thought a more intuitive and precise categorization of pages and links was necessary. Accordingly, we have given an update to our global navigation where users access different pages around the Circadian Risk platform. We have categorized and order the pages in the order an assessor would go through when conducting an end-to-end assessment within the Circadian Risk platform…

  1. Locations

  2. Risk Analysis

  3. Assessments

  4. Corrective Action Plan

Additionally, we have the organization management and help links below these articles. The pages you need to access should follow the end to end process much better now.


New Floor Plan File Upload Types - .PNG

While Circadian Risk has always had support for .pdf and .jpg files for floor plan assessments, we have now added additional support for .png file types. “Why is this of relevance” one might ask? Let’s just say while out in the field conducting an assessment, one of our employees wanted to upload a google map image taken as a screenshot on an iPad and they couldn’t. Now, we’ve made that possible. If you’re out in the field and need a floor plan to use on the fly, feel free to use google maps and a screenshot from your mobile device!


Options for Consideration

In conjunction with the Tasks for Remediation initiative that Circadian Risk launched last month, we now have launched what we call “Options for Consideration!” If your organization has a specific piece of equipment or standard process that is followed for a specific deficiency that is assessed, you can now have a repeatable option for consideration that is followed. The options are really endless, and can be applied to whichever items that are available in the organization! Once the option for creation is created and selected for a task, that task will be auto-populated with the name, description, cost information, and time estimate. ~Did somebody say there’s 1000 cameras needing the same remediation…?~


The “Items by Status” page (with Re-Assessment, Accepting Risk, and Task Creation)

The Circadian Risk platform now has a page that allows a look at all the items that have been given a status that have been investigated across your assessments. Equipped with an array of filters, including by location and by item, you can now see specific deficiencies that are needing remediation at specific locations, and where they stand. But wait! There’s more!

In addition to this new page view, there are 3 additional capabilities for triage that users can take advantage of:

  1. Re-assessing questions: The last answer that was received for an item during an assessment can be viewed, and changed if necessary if an event occurred that changes this statements answer.


  2. Accepting Risk: for specific deficiencies/items, these can be “accepted,” where no action will be taken for that specific question. Essentially, the risk is known, but nothing will be done to remediate this.


  3. Create a Task: Where a specific deficiency is needed to be assigned to someone and remediated/updated to harden the security posture, a task that has all the deficiencies for an item can be created.


Inspection Questionnaire - Item Category Hopper

We have made a small but effective improvement to the questionnaire portion of the assessment experience. We call this feature… the “Item Category Hopper!” While going through an inspection questionnaire, if assessors take a look at the footer of the page, they will notice that there are handy button, specifically “next item” and “previous item” to assist stepping through item categories. Now, the assessor isn’t forced to click the left side item list to progress. So go ahead… ~Jump~ into an assessment and try it out!

Do you have a feature in mind that you think would be a great addition to the software? Talk to us!

Our Product team takes feature requests into serious consideration. We love to pass along feedback to our Product team to help guide them as they build out more features in the future,  so we can better our product based on customer needs! Please email us at support@circadianrisk.com with any features that you think would prove valuable in the Circadian Risk software, and you may just see them in a future edition of this feature letter!


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