What's New Feature Update - March 2022

Circadian Risk is always working on feature updates and improvements for our risk analysis and assessment software to ensure that the experience while conducting an assessment with Circadian Risk is efficient, effective, and intuitive. Below are the new features in our latest software update for March.

Features in the March 2022 Edition:

Incremental Assessments (Re-Assessment)

Last month, the large initiative that the Circadian Risk team has brought to fruition is the Incremental Assessment! After conducting an initial/first assessment for a scenario at a location, you will have the ability to import assessment data/answers from previous assessments. Why are incremental assessments valuable, you might ask? Take a look at this list of value props below…

  1. Overall, incremental assessments will provide meaningful time savings when reassessing locations each year

  2. Select the specific information you would like assessors to focus on during the reassessments that will be conducted

    • In the image below, this indicates assessors will only need to review and ratify “deficient” answers from the previous assessment


  3. Effective visual indicators to help guide the assessor in the work they must complete for the incremental assessment

    • Candy cane striping to indicate when an answer has been imported from a previous assessment

    • An orange indicator on the left side of a question when action is required


  4. New, streamlined filters, including “Action Required” and “Unratified Answers” that will allow assessors to see the data that is most pertinent to them


    • These filters will carry over, and show only the specific information that is requiring answers/ratification to complete each item category in the assessment


  5. Re-Import Answers, if necessary, if you need to undo a change that was made during the assessment

Improved Circadian Risk “Help” Section Navigation

We understand that software has a learning curve, and want to ensure that our clients have the things they need in place to receive the help they need of required. We’ve added some helpful links in our help section within the tool to get you there, including:

  • A link that will direct users to the instruction guides for the software

  • A link that will direct users to our client portal to raise a help request with the Circadian Risk team

Hopefully these links will help you out if you ever get stuck! As always, we can be reached at support-team@circadianrisk.com if you need direct contact with us on something.

General Bug Fixes

  • A lot of work has been done “under-the-hood” across the software to ensure continued stability for our clients use. These improvements typically touch nearly every aspect of the product, to ensure our product lifecycle is kept fresh!

Do you have a feature in mind that you think would be a great addition to the software? Talk to us!

Our Product team takes feature requests into serious consideration. We love to pass along feedback to our development team to help guide them as they build out more features in the future, so we can better our product based on customer needs! Please email us at support@circadianrisk.com with any features that you think would prove valuable in the Circadian Risk software, and you may just see them in a future edition of this feature letter!