Making a Shortcut to the Circadian Risk Tool (On an iPad)

This article will explain how to create a shortcut for the Circadian Risk web tool, that is accessible on the homepage of your iPad. This way, the tool will be accessible from the click of an icon!

This article was created using Safari. There may be some nuances with how to create this using a different internet browsing service.

Video Instructions: TBA

Written Instructions

  1. From the home screen on the iPad, locate and select the “Safari” internet browser icon.

    1. Depending on the iPad home screen setup, the Safari application may be in a different spot on the screen.


  2. In the URL, navigate to

  3. In the top right portion of the screen, select the web tools icon (the square with the arrow pointing up), and select “Add to Home Screen”


  4. An “Add to Home Screen” box will appear on the screen, where the shortcut can be renamed to whatever you would like. We suggest using “Circadian Risk.”


  5. The shortcut will now be available on the home screen, and each time you select it, it will navigate back to the login screen of the Circadian Risk Tool.


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