How to Add "Location Tags" to Locations

Adding “Location Tags” to your locations will allow for identification of key information about the nodes that are in your organization.

Before adding a location tag to a node, you must create a location tag that can be used to mark these specific nodes. To do this, please see this article.


  1. From the Dashboard, navigate to the sidebar dropdown (three white bars) in the top left of the page

  2. From here, select App Navigation, and from this dropdown, select Locations



  3. Select the location you would like to apply a building tag to.

    location selection.png
  4. Select the “Edit Tags” option that is location under the name of the node at the top of the page. The “Edit Tags” button will only show if tags have been provisioned for that location layer

    1. (i.e a building location, or a campus location)

6. From the tags that you have created for this layer, you may add the “location tag” of your choosing to this node. Once the label for the location is chose, select “save.”


7. You will now see the location tag available under the name of the node. The white circle within the tag indicates there a location properties to be filled out for this tag, which is outlined in this article.