Adding Files/Attachments to Location Nodes

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This article will explain how to upload pertinent documentation or files to a location node. These can include, but are not limited to: previous assessment documents, emergency plans, camera coverage sheets, and more.

Users have the ability to upload a wide range of file types, up to 25 megabytes.

Tip: Some assessors have expressed this feature is helpful in organizing their pertinent documents for each different location, as opposed to having them floating around on their computer hard drives.

Full Video Instructions: TBD

Written Instructions:

  1. From the Dashboard, navigate to the sidebar dropdown (three white bars) in the top left of the page and from this dropdown, select Locations



  2. Select the location you would like to upload your relevant file to from the hierarchy page.

    location selection.png


  3. From the selected location’s page, select the location profile button in the middle portion of the page, scroll down on the profile page, and you will find the Files and Documents section.

    1. To add a file, select the add a file button.


  4. A prompt will open up on your screen to click in the dotted-line box, or drop a file in for upload.

    1. Examples of file types that can be uploaded, but are not limited to:

      1. Emergency Plans

      2. Camera Coverage Maps

      3. Previous Assessment Documents

      4. Powerpoints

      5. Instruction Guides


  1. Once the file(s) have been uploaded, click finish:
    a. The file can be renamed
    b. The file can be downloaded
    c. The file can be deleted

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