Filling out Location Properties and Item Properties

Filling out Location Properties and Item Properties

This article will show an assessor/point of contact how to fill out location properties and item properties within the assessment.

  • Location Properties are the supplemental information regarding a location where an assessment is being performed (building manager #, email, etc.)they can be done at any time during the assessment, before or after filling out the gap analysis questions.

  • Item Properties are the supplemental/inventory information regarding a particular item category, and do not effect compliance score. (For example, in the item category Video Management, you may have questions like “# of cameras”, camera brands, etc)

  • They can be filled out at anytime the assessor prefers (before assessment, during, or after), but must be filled out before the assessment is closed.

Written Instructions:


How to Access and Fill Out Location Properties…

  1. From the Assessment Details page for the assessment you will be conducting, select the Start Assessment/ Continue Assessment button in the top right of the screen. This will open a new tab on the device you are on, and take you to the assessment module, that allows assessments to be conducted while either online, or offline.


  1. Once you have navigated to the assessment module, in the top left of the screen, there will be a section labeled “Location Properties” where these pieces of information about the site can be filled out.

    • If you select the arrow, it will open up the drawer and show the property fields needing to be filled out.

      Screen Shot 2024-01-31 at 10.52.13 AM.png
  2. Once you have expanded the field with the arrow, you can begin reading the property field titles and filling out the information accordingly. There will be different data types, including free text, numeric, drop down, multiple selection, dates, and more. If need be, you can click the “gray x” to the right of the fields and clear the data that was input.


  3. Information auto saves as you fill it out, so no need to save. If there are multiple properties section, you can repeat the steps above to access the property fields that need to be answered, and you will receive feedback at the top of the properties section once all of the required fields have been filled out!


How to Access and Fill Out Item Properties…

Not every item category will have properties to be filled out! Only the item categories that have been provisioned to have property information filled out will have the fields/section appear within it.

For Item Properties, it may be most efficient to fill out the item properties as you are conducting your assessment.

  1. Item properties will be accessed from within the assessment categories in which they are provisioned. Navigate to the “Assessment Items” section of the assessment module, and click on the item category in which you will be assessing.

  2. If there are item properties provisioned for the particular item category you are assessing, there will be a title “Item Properties” within the right part of the screen where information is input. Click the arrow under the section to open up the item properties that will need to be filled out.


  3. Fill out the properties by clicking into the text box, and inputting the requested information. There will be different data types, including free text, numeric, drop down, multiple selection, dates, and more.


  4. As you continue through the item categories of the assessment, be sure to take a look and see if there are more item properties that need to be filled out.


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