Creating a Scenario Assessment Template

This article will explain how to create an assessment template for use in an assessment at a location.

Creating an Assessment Template will be available once a client success coordinator has uploaded a question set for the scenario your organization will be conducting


Access the Scenario Page

  1. Navigate to the top left corner of the page, and press the 3 white lines to access the dashboard navigation.

    1. Select the “Organization Management” option in the navigation, and a dropdown will appear, and Select “Scenarios,” and this will access the Scenarios page.


  2. From the Scenario Page, select the scenario that the you would like to create an assessment template for.

  3. From the specific scenario’s page, you will want to navigate to the “question sets” tab on the screen, review the latest template that was uploaded by Client Success, and select the “Create Template” button.


  4. This will bring the user to the “Create Scenario Assessment Template” page with a template wizard.

    1. On this page, the question set contents will be selected.

      1. For example, if the assessment focus will cover more than one standard/question set, such as a internal standard set, and a C-TPAT question set, these two focuses can be contained in the assessment content.

      2. When complete, select “Next” to move to the next step in the wizard


  5. On the next page in the stepper is the Scenario Template Details, where the following information is provided:

    1. The scenario that the template is being uploaded for

    2. The name of the template that is being created

    3. (optional) a description of the template being created


  6. The next step in the process is selecting the Inspection Questionnaire Item Category Order

    1. Each questionnaire item category can be moved around, and this order will be reflected during the “in-flight” inspection questionnaire assessment experience.


  7. Based on the order selected from the Item category order in the previous step, the question order within these item categories can now be selected as well.


  8. As seen in step 6 with the Inspection Questionnaire, the Physical Inspection Item Order will be selected.

    1. Each physical inspection item category can be moved around, and this order will be reflected during the “in-flight” inspection questionnaire assessment experience


  9. As seen in step 7 with the Item Ordering for the Inspection Questionnaire question ordering, the Physical Inspection Item Question Ordering will can now be selected. When completed with this step, select Next to move to the depreciation process.


  10. The next step in the process is to deprecate any previous templates that you want the new template to replace. Existing assessments will continue to use the old template, while any new assessments created from now on will use the new template.

  11. Once the template information has been confirmed, please select Create Template. Now that this template has been created, he template will be available for use in the “In-flight” scenario assessment. To create an assessment using this newly created template, please see this next article.


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