Circadian Risk allows for location tags to be added to location layers. Location tags can be added to any layer accessible in the organization.
Typically, location tags will be added to buildings to indicate the type of building that they are, what sector/industry they fall in, or their function (office, distribution, production, etc.) or all of the above
From the Dashboard, navigate to the sidebar dropdown (three white bars) in the top left of the page
From here, select App Navigation, and from this dropdown, select Locations
From the Locations page (table view), select the layer you would like to add a “location tag” for.
For our example, we will be adding tags to a building.
Once you access the location tags page for the layer you would like to edit, select “Add New” in the top right portion of the screen.
Fill out the location tag you would like to add for this layer. Select “Save” when finished.
Some examples of building tags may include: Data Center, Office, Distribution Center, Production, etc.
You will be able to apply these tags to different locations within your organization, which have a number of functions when it comes to assessments and data aggregation. This is outlined in this article.