User Account Information, Bios, and Credentials
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This article will explain the basics of editing your user account credentials.
Full Video Instructions: TBA
Written Instructions:
Editing Avatar, Email Address, First, and Last Name, Job Title, Company, Assessor Bio
From the Home Dashboard, click on the Profile button located under the “My Profile” Section in the top right of the screen
Using the “pencil” or edit button in the top right portion of the profile page, you can:
Edit your profile
change your name, title, phone number, company, and location
Edit your assessor bio
This section’s contents will translate into the Assessor Biographies portion of a pdf report when one is filled out, and the user is selected.
See your sign-in method when using Circadian Risk
If not using single sign on, there will be a section where one can edit their user email and password
For users who have been provisioned using Single Sign on, you will need to go through your organization’s SSO service to make any necessary updates.
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